Jim Cramer Mad at ‘Boneheads in Twitter’ Who Claim He Said Elizabeth Warren Has ‘Gotta Be Stopped’

CNBC host Jim Cramer got himself in a little hot water on Tuesday when, during a broadcast of his morning financial news show Squawk on the Street, he said this in response to a question about what happens to the big banks if Sen. Elizabeth Warren becomes president:
“[Y]ou get off the desk and talk to executives, they’re more fearful of her winning. Never heard anybody say, look, she’s got to be stopped. She’s got to be stopped.”
That clip went viral after Warren’s campaign retweeted it and gave the pro-Wall Street panic emanating from Cramer and his co-hosts her stamp of approval:
I’m Elizabeth Warren and I approve this message. https://t.co/2Ewkbm0ZwA
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) September 10, 2019
On Wednesday morning, Cramer frantically tried to distance himself from the remarks by noting that he was noting the general sentiment among Wall Street executives about Warren’s campaign, not saying that he personally thought someone should boost a more banker-friendly Democratic opponent or contribute to Donald Trump’s campaign or run Warren over with a bus:
“Who am I? I’m like a — I’m hearing and trying to say what people — what they tell me. They won’t let me say, hey, I am so-and-so, I need to stop her.”
It is unclear whether Cramer meant his bosses at CNBC are the “they” who won’t let him say Warren must be stopped, or if he meant the anonymous Wall Street executives who are panicking about the regulations a President Warren might try to impose on the financial industry.
Cramer went on to blame everyone’s favorite bogeyman, social media, for misinterpreting his remarks:
“But me stop? Ehhhh? But there’s boneheads. There’s a lot of boneheads. There’s boneheads in Twitter.”
Cramer has shot his mouth off before, most infamously when he dismissed criticism about his financial advice from Jon Stewart by sneering that the host of The Daily Show was merely “a comedian.” Stewart promptly invited him on the show and very politely tore into him, leaving Cramer babbling and struggling to defend himself.
Obviously he has still not learned his lesson.
Watch the clip above, via CNBC.