Joe Scarborough Joins Pile On Of Mark Meadows: You’ll Be Remembered By What You Do Right Now

Republican Congressman Mark Meadows probably wasn’t expecting to find himself in the media spotlight this morning, but two major morning news shows have now called him out for his failure to defend Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings from President Donald Trump’s attacks.
MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough joined in the criticism of Meadows on Monday, while earlier in the morning CNN’s Alisyn Camerota had criticized his silence. Morning Joe showed a clip of Cummings defending Meadows from suggestions he was racist.
“So Mark, what do you say about Elijah Cummings?” Scarborough said.
“What do you say about Elijah now that he has been attacked as a racist? Mark, we have a personal relationship, you and I. I enjoy talking to you, getting updates from you. Are you gonna the right thing? Are you gonna defend Elijah like he defended you against a shocking charge?”
“I hope you will. Because guess what? You’ll be remembered by what you do right now more than any bill you fight for or any bill you pass or any bill you don’t pass.”
Scarborough had a message for other Republicans who haven’t responded to Trump’s attacks on Cummings.
“Speak up now because if you don’t, Donald Trump is going to bring you down. I have been around this town for a very long time, really dumb, short sighted people think that the guy who is President of the United States will be President forever.”
“He’s not. He’s going home. He’s going to Mar-a-Lago. And because of what he did this past weekend he’ll be going to Mar-a-Lago on January 20th, 2021”
“Donald Trump’s already proven he doesn’t need to resign in disgrace to take the party down with him,” Scarborough said.
“Donald Trump remains hellbent on dividing Americans and he’s gonna continue to tear this country apart until enough men and women of courage decide to say enough. And risk their political careers by simply doing the right thing. Don’t need a lot. Just two or three or four Republicans in the Senate calling out racism. That’s enough. Elijah Cummings has that courage. Donald Trump doesn’t. Whose side are you on?”
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.