‘Fox & Friends’: Immigrants Are Mocking The Border Wall By Walking Around It

Fox & Friends spends a lot of time talking about what it calls the ‘border crisis’ and showing often grainy footage of migrants making their way from Mexico into the United States. On Friday, the Fox News’ morning show accused migrants of insulting the incomplete border wall as they passed by it.
“Meanwhile, this story is front and center today,” Brian Kilmeade said. “Alarming news, surveillance video, highlighting the crisis at the southern border. Take a look at this. More than 100 migrants, you see here, just mocking the wall, seen walking right around the unfinished wall. This is reason to finish it, Congress.”
The story was certainly ‘front and center’ on Fox News but not on the major news networks, who don’t focus as obsessively on border crossings as Fox. Kilmeade’s co-hosts seemed to agree that the migrants were deliberately making fun of the wall.
“Look at that, you can see the migrants on both sides of the wall,” Ainsley Earhardt said.
“Yep. They’re just walking around it getting to the other side,” Steve Doocy agreed cheerily.
It’s not clear how exactly the Fox & Friends hosts wanted migrants to behave when they encountered an unfinished wall. Kilmeade’s claim that this was a form of mockery is just bizarre. Migrants cross many obstacles on their way to the US. They don’t mock the Rio Grande by crossing it.
The rest of the segment was devoted to a report from Griff Jenkins on the number of migrants coming across the southern border. Jenkins didn’t mention the wall or the ‘mocking’ migrants finding their way around it. President Trump promised to build a wall along the border in 2016 but very little progress has been made since he assumed office.
Watch the video above, via Fox News.