Ex-DOJ Spox Matthew Miller Shreds Rod Rosenstein: “He’s Weak and He’s Always Been Weak’

Following the Washington Post’s deep-dive into Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein attempts to “mollify” President Trump and save his job while overseeing the Mueller investigation, former Justice Department spokesperson and MSNBC analyst Matthew Miller absolutely tore into Rosenstein, saying the deputy AG has “always been weak.”
Per the Post, Rosenstein assured the president last fall that Trump would be “treated fairly” by the investigation and that he was on the president’s team. “I give the investigation credibility,” Rosenstein said. “I can land the plane.”
During a Deadline: White House discussion on the report, host Nicolle Wallace contrasted Rosenstein apparently reassuring the president that he had his back with the fact that Rosenstein and Attorney General William Barr decided that Trump didn’t obstruct justice despite what Special Counsel Robert Mueller found.
“It is a deeply disturbing report,” Miller replied. “What it shows is unethical conduct by the deputy attorney general. Even without the way the investigation ended, just having this conversation with the president himself and giving the presidential this assurance is unethical for the deputy to do.”
Unbelievable and unacceptable. The DAG should not be talking to Trump about this investigation under any circumstances, let alone making assurances while pleading for his job. https://t.co/ecWqt6c8Gl
— Matthew Miller (@matthewamiller) April 26, 2019
The former Obama administration official continued: “He shouldn’t be talking to the president about an investigation into the president under any circumstances and shouldn’t be giving him assurances about how that investigation will end and shouldn’t be doing it at a time when he’s begging and pleading for his own job.”
Adding that people have tried to understand Rosenstein for the past couple of years, Miller said he believes “most people have gotten it wrong.”
“The way to understand Rod is he’s weak and he’s always been weak,” he declared. “He was weak in the beginning when he signed off on the Comey firing, despite having read the Mueller report that he knew why the president was firing Comey, it was over the Russia investigation.”
Miller added: “He was weak when the president pressured him to open a counter investigation into the investigation how it started. He did that despite being no predicate, knowing it was the president trying to undermine the investigation. And he was weak when he signed onto Bill Barr’s dishonest press conference and letter about the end of the investigation. He didn’t have to do any of those things.”
Tell us how you really feel, Matt.
Watch the clip above, via MSNBC.