Fox’s Napolitano: Mueller Revealed Trump’s ‘Pattern of Deception and Instruction to Underlings to Deceive’

Reacting to the release of the redacted version of the Mueller report that showed the special counsel identifying ten episodes of possible obstruction of justice, Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano said there were “a lot of damning things” there and that he is likely in the crosshairs of federal prosecutors regarding his behavior.
Appearing on Fox Business Network’s Cavuto: Coast to Coast on Thursday, Napolitano told host Neil Cavuto that he didn’t have a problem with Attorney General Barr’s roll-out of the report and that Democrats are only complaining because “they are not happy with the outcome.”
At the same time, Napolitano revealed that the findings are not all rosy for the president and that he could find himself staring at possible impeachment and charges from federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York.
“There’s a lot of damning things in here, as [Fox Business host] Charlie Gasparino was just discussing with you, about Donald Trump, the person, and of Donald Trump, the businessman,” Napolitano declared. “So damning, they show such a pattern of deception and instruction to underlings to deceive, I think this will gin up the investigation in the Southern District of New York.”
He continued: “So the president is out of the cross-hairs of Bob Mueller. That’s the legal issue that’s behind him. He’s still in the cross-hairs of federal prosecutors here in New York City and they have a little bit more ammunition now than they had yesterday.”
Napolitano went on to add that the president also “goes into the crosshairs” of Democrats who will want to “gin up an impeachment investigation” based on “all these acts of deception that he instructed his aides to engage in.”
Watch the clip above, via Fox Business.