Fox’s Greg Gutfeld Blows Up at Juan Williams Over Cohen Hearing: ‘I’m Going to Throw You Off the Set!’

Things got extremely hairy on Fox News roundtable show The Five immediately following Wednesday’s bombshell House Oversight Committee testimony of former Trump attorney Michael Cohen, as one host threatened to toss another host off the set for saying he was “deep in the bunker.”
Moments after the hearing concluded, co-host Greg Gutfeld roundly dismissed the proceedings and essentially criticized his own network, grousing that they “need to believe it’s news because we are forced to cover this,” adding that he doesn’t “feel like this is news.”
Fox News in a nutshell.
Following the Cohen hearing, Greg Gutfeld says "I know people here are acting like this news and we need to believe it's news because we are forced to cover this. I don't feel like this is news."
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) February 27, 2019
Later during the conversation, lone liberal host Juan Willams pushed back against his conservative colleagues’ dismissal of possible campaign finance violations and other felonies Trump may have committed during both the presidential campaign and while Trump’s been in office. This prompted Gutfeld to interrupt Williams and say that co-host Morgan Ortagus hasn’t spoken yet.
“Gosh, are you guys ever going to let me finish?” Williams asked.
An already enraged Gutfeld snapped back at Williams, saying that he “always finishing” and that Ortagus “hasn’t said a damn word.” This caused Gutfeld to reply that Gutfeld is “so deep in the bunker” for Trump, resulting in Gutfeld exploding.
“Oh, shut up, Juan!” Gutfeld yelled. “I’m in nobody’s bunker. Enough with your bunker. I’m trying to be polite to somebody on the panel, Juan, which you won’t do!”
A few minutes later, a seething Gutfeld once again pounced on Williams for again asserting that the conservatives panel was dug in and running defense for Trump. After Williams told Jesse Watters that he “like Greg, [you] are deep in the bunker,” Gutfeld threatened to throw him off the air.
“If you say that again, I’m going to throw you off the set,” the conservative commentator shouted. “You know what the bunker means? What you’re intimating is that — who’s in the bunker? Adolf Hitler, correct?”
A perplexed Williams said he was not referencing Hitler, but Gutfeld continued to accuse him of comparing him to the Third Reich leader.
“That’s what you’re saying. No, when you are saying somebody is in the bunker,” he ranted “Juan, Juan, Juan, what you’re saying is you choose the worst intent of people’s words. Like when I say that I believe something, I’m in the bunker. What if I said that about you? I never say that about you!”
Watters ultimately jumped in and said that there’d be no more talk about bunkers in an effort to cut through the bad blood.
Watch the clip above, via Fox News.