Furloughed Worker Tells Trump: ‘Miss Nancy Is Not Going To Give You That Wall’

Faye Smith, a furloughed federal contractor, appeared on The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell Thursday evening. Smith, like thousands of other federal employees and contractors, is not getting paid. The partial government shutdown is now in its 35th day, making it the longest in history.
Smith expressed her concerns about other federal workers who aren’t receiving paychecks and explained that she had received financial help, including from actor D.L. Hughley. Smith seemed more worried about people she knew than herself.
“I just pray for my sisters in the unions, pray for my co-workers, because so many of them have children with daycare. They can’t get them to daycare,” Smith said. “They have medicine. I have one particular friend, she’s a diabetic and she can’t get her medicine. Another one that has her mom and her children living with her. And everybody depends on that one check. It has devastated everybody that I know. I have a sister. She has daughters. Five people in one family furloughed. Come on. Five people in one family.”
The MSNBC host asked Smith what she would say to President Trump if she had the chance. Smith referred to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi as ‘Miss Nancy’ throughout.
“President Trump, no disrespect. Miss Nancy is not going to give you that wall. Mr. Trump, you need to stop holding us hostage. That’s what you’re doing. We need to go back to work. You’re worried about the wall. You better worry about what’s going on right here. I’m from southeast Benin road. Little girl from southeast Benin road. Crossing guard at one time, called me Mama Faye. I know what the kids are like out here. They love their family. And we need to get back to work because you know what? You’re worried about the wall there? These children right here that’s going on and they can’t provide for their family, it’s going to be — it’s going to be something else here.”
“I’m not saying, but I’m saying that we hurt. We’re angry. We’re frustrated. We need work. All I know is work. I’ve worked hard all my life,” Smith said. “I have two daughters and two grandchildren that I’ve always wanted to help with them, not support them, because my daughter supports her family. But I help them. And I can’t even help them. I have a granddaughter in second year in college. I have a grandson talking about graduating this year. I can’t even help.”
“Come on. I need you to look around us. Don’t let what’s going on in these other lands and your wall and all this. You need to look right here in Washington. You show more love to Putin. Young Kim? Show us some love,” Smith said in an impassioned plea. “Stop it. Let us go back to work. Miss Nancy already told you. She’s not going to give you the money for the wall. I think Miss Nancy is awesome. I don’t like being out of work. But guess what? I know she’s going to help us. And I know what she’s doing, she’s doing it for a reason. Because everybody can’t be a yes man. She’s not a yes man. She is a — ooh. I love her. I love her.”
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.