CNN’s Kirsten Powers: It’s ‘Kind Of A Waste Of Time’ To Interview Kellyanne Conway

Following yet another infuriating Kellyanne Conway-Chris Cuomo confrontation that resulted in a half-hour of shouting, whining, snark and deflections, CNN political analyst Kirsten Powers remarked that there didn’t seem much point in bringing on the White House counselor at this point.
After anchor Don Lemon noted that he “cannot get that 20 minutes of his life back” regarding the Conway interview, he told Powers that there was no way Cuomo was going to be able to get the White House aide to admit that President Trump had lied about the hush payments made to women during the 2016 campaign.
“I think that I don’t understand why anyone goes back to her expecting her to come out and say something other than what the White House line is,” Powers responded.
“And no matter how many different ways you go at her, she’s going to go — going to come back with saying that often isn’t true and play the victim and pretend she’s being talked over because she’s a woman and all these other things,” she added. “And I just find it kind of a waste of time, personally.”
Likely sensing that this would come off as her slamming her CNN colleagues who have invited the Trump adviser on numerous times, Powers said that she knows “people are divided over these things” over whether it is worthwhile to talk to Conway or not.
“But I just wish that she would be a little more forthcoming and answer the questions and stop spinning,” she concluded.
Watch the clip above, via CNN.