‘America Has Failed Americans’: S.E. Cupp Hammers Trump And Media For ‘Criminally’ Ignoring Puerto Rico

If you’ve exclusively been getting your info from cable and broadcast news these past few days, you’d be forgiven if you had no idea that a new study came out that estimates nearly 5,000 people died in Puerto Rico as a result of Hurricane Maria. After the Harvard data was published, cable news gave 16 times more coverage to Roseanne’s racist tweets. Meanwhile, the major Sunday news shows completely ignored the topic, with none of the five programs mentioning it at least once.
At the top of her program Monday, HLN’s S.E. Cupp highlighted how the mainstream media and the Trump administration have completely failed their fellow Americans by turning a blind eye to this months-long disaster.
“Tonight’s headline,” Cupp declared. “America has failed Americans.”
Highlighting the new study and pointing out that Puerto Rico recently revised the official death toll from 64 to 1,400, the HLN host noted that the study’s findings show the death toll is 80 times greater than initial estimates, over twice as much as Hurricane Katrina and 56 times more than 2017’s Hurricane Harvey.
“Now, in the wake of those disasters, we saw wall to wall news coverage,” Cupp noted, referencing Katrina and Harvey. “We held nationally broadcasted telethons to raise money for the victims. We were outraged and demanded accountability by our elected representatives when the response fell short. This time, nothing.”
She continued, “Despite the magnitude of the tragedy caused by Maria, despite thousands of American families coping with the deaths of fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, this disaster is being criminally ignored on almost every level, by our president, our Congress, and sorry to say, our media. This is a scandal or more accurately, 4,600 scandals.”
She concluded her monologue by stating that this is the kind of thing that happens in Third World and war-torn nations, noting that as a US territory “it should not be that hard to find out what happened here.”
“And yet here we are with few answers and even less urgency,” she added.
Watch the clip above, via HLN.