#TrumpTaxCon: Teachers Launch Campaign Demanding Trump Release His Tax Returns

Over the past few months, Republican nominee Donald Trump has come up with a broad range of excuses not to release his most recent tax returns. Constantly claiming an ongoing, neverending audit prevents him from making them available (this is untrue), his campaign has pushed the message that the American voters have no interest in seeing the returns. Of course, polls show that even a majority of Republicans believe the real estate mogul should release them.
Now, obviously, an audit isn’t the real reason Trump refuses to do the thing he said for years he would do if he ran. As his own son helpfully pointed out earlier this month, there’s just too much damning information contained in them that it would cause him headaches down the stretch. Whether it’s that he pays no taxes whatsoever, he isn’t nearly as wealthy as he claims or he owes money to Russian and Chinese banks (or all three), the Trump campaign is willing to deal with the fallout over the lack of transparency over what’s in them.
Well, there is at least one group that has decided to shame the GOP standard-bearer in the final month of the presidential campaign. On Monday, the American Federation of Teachers launched the website TrumpTaxCon.com, a place where teachers and other workers across the country can post testimonial videos demanding the former reality TV star release the returns.
In response to the launch of the site, AFT President Randi Weingarten had the following to say:
“Donald Trump likes to sell himself as a straight shooter, yet his refusal to disclose his taxes demonstrates pure hypocrisy. Why would someone running for president promising people he is going to help them not follow the presidential candidates of the last 40+ years practice and release his taxes? What is he hiding? Reporters have asked him. Other politicians have asked him. Now working men and women–the very people who pay taxes and whose vote he’s seeking–are asking him: what is Donald Trump hiding?”
Below is a video that has been uploaded to the site showing teachers giving their opinions on Trump’s tax returns, with some saying he likely isn’t all that rich while others feel he hasn’t given anything to charity, using his foundation as a slush fund.