Transparent’s Emmy-Winning Director Says Donald Trump Is Doing Exactly What Hitler Did

Jill Soloway used her speech at last night’s Emmy Awards to call on people to ‘smash the patriarchy’. Now the director of Transparent, the stigma-busting TV series about transgender people has spoken directly about Donald Trump. Soloway deliberately compared the Republican candidate to Adolf Hitler.
“It’s so incredibly timely, the notion of otherizing people to gain political power,” Soloway said. “Jews were otherized in Nazi Germany to gain political power, and right now Donald Trump is doing the same thing.” Trump’s ideas have been compared to the Nazi dictator before but rarely in such stark terms.
“He calls women pigs if they don’t look like beauty-pageant contestants. He blames Muslims and Mexicans for our problems. He makes fun of disabled people,” Soloway said. “This is otherizing with a capital O. It has been used in our history before to start and win wars.”
“He’s a complete dangerous monster, and any moment I have to call Trump out to being an inheritor to Hitler, I will,” Soloway said. Soloway’s politics are definitely on the left of the spectrum, so it is unlikely that Trump will be moved by her criticism.
Soloway’s Transparent has done much to normalize transgender people in American public consciousness. Donald Trump’s running mate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, has a poor track record on transgender rights. Pence passed a law allowing discrimination against LGBT customers before commercial boycotts forced him to backtrack.