Keith Olbermann: Hillary Clinton Was Wrong, ALL Of Trump’s Supporters Are Deplorable

It looks like Keith Olbermann has quickly settled into his groove at GQ.
For the third consecutive day, the ex-MSNBC host released a new episode from his web series The Closer, once again going after Donald Trump’s campaign. In his two prior broadcasts, Olbermann detailed 176 reasons why Trump shouldn’t be president and hammered Rudy Giuliani and Tom Brokaw for spreading conspiracies about Hillary Clinton’s health. This time around, he pointed out that Clinton was wrong for calling half of Trump’s supporters deplorable.
Now, this wasn’t an instance of Keith coming to the Trump campaign’s defense over her comments. No, he just felt that the former Secretary of State vastly underestimated the number. Noting that in the days since she said it, the argument wasn’t about whether some of Trump’s voters and advocates were bad people, just the actual percentage, the former ESPN personality made the case that ALL of them were deplorable.
After highlighting a number of disgusting remarks made in the past by Trump surrogates, Olbermann then stated that those who aren’t virulently racist themselves but continue to support the real estate mogul for POTUS are actually worse than those who are outwardly bigoted.
“Because if you support Trump, if you think he should be president regardless of how much he and his advocates hate and mock and punch old women with portable oxygen canisters, if you’re not condemning this madness and repudiating these deplorable people and you are not racist, not sexist, not homophobic, not xenophobic or not Islamophobic, if you’re not supporting him for those things but in spite of them, you are even more deplorable!”
Below is video of the segment: