Keith Olbermann: Trump Is The GOP’s “Demonic Messiah In Oompa Loompa’s Clothing”

A day after it was announced former MSNBC political commentator Keith Olbermann joined GQ Magazine as a Special Correspondent and would be hosting a bi-weekly digital series, the first broadcast of The Closer aired.
In the 17+ minute episode, the ex-ESPN anchor went all in on the GOP nominee Donald Trump. Having been sidelined for over a year, and even longer from politically based broadcasting, Olbermann had to be chomping at the bit to provide his opinion of the former reality TV star on a platform outside his Twitter account. Therefore, in his debut program, he decided to detail 176 reasons why Trump does not deserve to be POTUS.
Noting that the entire transcript would be available online at complete with links to sources of each of the reasons, Olbermann brought forth his trademarked brand of righteous indignation. Keith continuously hammered the Republican Party for nominating Trump, mentioning the GOP again and again and again so as to shame them for their decision.
Regarding Trump’s love for dictators and authoritarianism, Olbermann had the following to say:
“The Republican Party has actually nominated for president a man who has proposed that Russia or China should enact a Watergate-like hacking of Hillary Clinton’s e-mails; who has proposed banning Muslims from entering the country, then said it was only a suggestion, thenproposed it again; whose running mate has proposed banning members of other religions; who has proposed open racial profiling; who has proposed banning people from “terror nations,” saying, “Look it up, they have a list”; who has proposed “ideological certification” for immigrants; who has proposed worse than waterboarding while praising how Saddam Hussein, Vladimir Putin, and Kim Jong-un handled protest and terrorism; who has proposed that American civilians be tried by military commissions at Gitmo; who has proposed killing the families of terrorists or suspected terrorists.”
He also slammed the real estate mogul over the kind of people he’s surrounded himself with in his campaign: