Obama Thanks Trump And Cruz For Publicly Displaying The Insane Nuttiness Of The GOP

The further we go in this crazy-ass election season, the better and better our outgoing POTUS looks to the American people.
And don’t think he doesn’t know this! With each passing day, we seem to be treated with another Obama drive-by hit job of the GOP, especially as their two leading candidates are a dude none of them can stand and a slightly roasted marshmallow with fascistic leanings.
On Thursday night, our Comedian-In-Chief rocked the mic once again, telling a star-studded audience at a high-dollar fundraiser that they need not worry about there ever being a President Trump.
“I recognize that there is a deep obsession right now about Mr. Trump. And one of you pulled me aside and squeezed me hard and said, ‘Tell me … that Mr. Trump is not succeeding you!’ And I said, ‘Mr. Trump’s not succeeding me.'”
But he wasn’t done throwing shade at the giant angry cat toy. The President offered ‘praise’ to Donald Trump and his fellow GOP candidate Ted Cruz for providing a valuable service to the American people:
“Mr. Trump has actually done a service as Mr. Cruz is doing a service and that is laying bare, unvarnished some of the nonsense that we have been dealing with in Congress on a daily basis. People act as if these folks are outliers but they are not! We should thank Mr. Trump and Mr. Cruz for just being honest that this is how we’re thinking these days, or not thinking these days. But it gives you a sense of what’s at stake in this election.”
Damn, Obama!
It needs to be said, this ‘No Fucks Left To Give’ Obama is really striking a chord with the American public. The combination of his end-of-tenure attitude and the batshit nuttery of the GOP has his approval ratings way up. RealClearPolitics has his job approval average at 49.1% and a net positive of three points, with more recent polls showing him at 52% with a net positive of eight points.
Meanwhile, everybody hates the GOP and Donald Trump. I mean, everybody.