Donald Trump’s 9/11 Lies Are So Egregious That Even Chuck Todd Is Calling Him Out

It’s looking like Donald Trump’s brand of fascism and xenophobia is losing him more and more ‘safe spaces’ when it comes to the media. After tripling down on his claim that he personally saw “thousands and thousands” of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11 as the Twin Towers fell, Trump has gone even further when it comes to spreading his mendacious propaganda and vitriol. He’s mocked a reporter for being disabled because the man wouldn’t back up Trump’s lies while continuing his Islamophobic insults.
On Saturday, one of the reality TV star’s biggest supporters turned his back on him after The Donald said that Muslims all over the world were “going wild” after 9/11, insinuating that the majority of Muslims worldwide celebrated the terror attacks. Morning Joe’s Joe Scarborough sent a number of tweets following Trump’s comments highlighting the actual Muslim response in the aftermath. Scarborough has been a big defender of Trump over the past few months and has had the celebrity billionaire on his show dozens of times.
Another media figure that hasn’t exactly pressed Trump in the past also stood his ground on Sunday. During an interview on Meet the Press, host Chuck Todd stood his ground and didn’t give up an inch while speaking to the real estate mogul regarding his tendency to not tell the truth. Rather than demure and allow Trump to roll over him, Todd pressed the Republican Presidential frontrunner for demanding “pinpoint accuracy” from the media while he spreads around falsehoods and misinformation.
Talking on the phone, Trump rambled on about his net worth and President Obama bringing in hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees after Todd pressed him on his tenuous relationship with the truth. Under normal circumstances, ol’ Chuck would just let Trumpy do his act, but it appears he’s grown just as tired of the act as many others in the media. He kept bringing Trump back to his thoroughly debunked claims surrounding 9/11, pointing out that even the much touted Washington Post article he keeps waving around doesn’t back him up one bit.
After the wannabe fascist dictator stated that many of his supporters have called and tweeted him telling him they saw Muslims “dancing in the streets” in New Jersey, Todd finally had enough. Not allowing Trump to steamroll him, the MTP host shouted over him that just because his fans repeat him “doesn’t make it true!” He followed it up by yelling at him the following:
“You’re running for President of the United States! Your words matter! Truthfulness matters! Fact-based stuff matters!”
To which Trump responded, “Take it easy, Chuck. Just play cool.”
It appears that Todd, like others over the past week or so, realized that you aren’t going to get Trump to admit anything he says is wrong, even when the truth is looking him directly in the eyes. You aren’t going to get him apologize or backtrack. With that in mind, you need to treat him as a bald-faced liar and expose him for what he is. If you have him on your program, you challenge him and not back down. Don’t allow him to just lie his way through an interview without pushback.
Amazingly, Todd did that on Sunday. Mind you, this is the same man who famously said it isn’t his job to correct falsehoods on the air. It appears the MSM is fighting back against Trump’s dangerous campaign, realizing that they’d enabled him too much in the past and need to actually do their job now, rather than play as his free propaganda machine.
Below is video of the interview, courtesy of NBC News: