Fox News’ Mark Fuhrman: “I Don’t Feel Sorry For Ahmed” For Getting Arrested For Making A Clock

During an appearance on Fox News’ The Kelly File Friday night, contributor and N-word expert Mark Fuhrman weighed in on the Ahmed Mohamed arrest and provided his special brand of xenophobic douchebaggery. The former police detective, who gained fame 20 years ago during the O.J. Simpson case for his love of racial slurs, claimed that Mohamed’s arrest for building a clock was completely acceptable and that the teen has no one to blame but himself. He also suggested that Mohamed was perhaps looking to set up the local police for some reason.
Host Megyn Kelly got a panel discussion going regarding the national controversy surrounding the 14-year-old’s arrest after he brought a homemade clock into his Texas high school. Mohamed was subsequently arrested after the school called police to investigate the device, which faculty believed to be a potential bomb. Despite verifying that the device was just a clock that the Muslim teen had built himself, law enforcement still hauled him away in handcuffs. Many are pointing to this case as proof that racial profiling and Islamophobia is running wild in this country.
However, Fuhrman does not feel that way at all. In fact, he believes that the young man could have been much more cooperative with police and it was his passive aggressive nature that caused him to be arrested. He also pointed out that he has no sympathy for the teenage boy.
“There’s not very many people — except for the bomb squad — that actually knows what an explosive-timed device looks like. So, they were erring on the side of caution. You’re talking about an English teacher, and you’re talking about police officers that are put in the position that they have to do something. Now, I don’t feel sorry for Ahmed, because he offered no explanation to the police. He wouldn’t cooperate. He was passive aggressive…”
After Megyn questioned him on his use of “passive aggressive,” which Fuhrman attributed to news reports, Fuhrman then brought up the possibility that this was all a devious plan by Mohamed to make the local police look bad.
“I feel like there’s a set up going on here. This kid isn’t stupid. So when the police are there, he could have easily explained this. He says ‘call my parents. They know I’ve been building this. I’ve been building it for a long time.’ But he didn’t.”
So, there you go. Apparently, per a man who is an actual convicted felon, this whole thing was contrived by a young high-school student to make the local law enforcement look racist. Got it? Good.
Below is video of the segment, courtesy of Media Matters:
“… I feel like there’s a set up going on here”
Fuhrman is spot-on correct, … and Sandy Hook was a government-run false flag operation.
Bottom line: There’s simply not enough tin foil in the world to meet the needs of these conspiracy theory-addicted loons that FOX News trots in front of the camera on a daily basis.
My suggestion: establish a 51st state for these delusional nut jobs to call home — the State of Denial.