Hey, Did You Know That ESPN’s Curt Schilling Thinks Muslims Are Basically The Same As Nazis?

It is well known by now that former Boston Red Sox great and current ESPN baseball analyst Curt Schilling is a right-wing doofus who likes to tweet out dumb shit to piss off liberals. In the past, he’s gotten into Twitter fights over evolution and pushed false conservative memes willy-nilly. Despite his tendency to be offensively inflammatory online, he’s not faced any real heat from the Worldwide Leader. That may change now based on his actions Tuesday.
For some reason, Mr. Bloody Sock thought it would be a good idea to tweet out a bullshit wingnut meme claiming that Muslims are just like Nazis because the percentage of Islamic extremists is equal to that of Nazis in Germany in 1940. While he quickly deleted the tweet once he started taking heat online, Arash Karami was able to get a screengrab and retweet it.
Did Curt Schilling @gehrig38 delete this tweet b/c the numbers were off or b/c it was a horrible thing to tweet? pic.twitter.com/rK86wyZPmm
— Arash Karami (@thekarami) August 25, 2015
For his part, Schilling has attempted to apologize and own up to his mistake on Twitter, responding to a number of users who have rightfully given him shit about his idiotic, and totally in character, actions. Meanwhile, others are having a field day at Schilling’s expense.
Here’s a fun stat, Curt Schilling: 100% of the Major League pitchers that put fake blood on a sock for attention are sociopaths. — Jeff Sewing (@JeffSewing) August 25, 2015
Curt Schilling: good at baseball, terrible at life. http://t.co/3whMFp7bg9
— Max Fawcett (@maxfawcett) August 25, 2015
MAN. Curt Schilling. Jesus christ. You should have went away after the bloody sock. Damn. — Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) August 25, 2015
Six memes that I swear Curt Schilling shared to his Facebook page: http://t.co/4Ozs6DQdWJ
— Deadspin (@Deadspin) August 25, 2015
Curt Schilling is Cris Carter’s fall guy. — Matt Miller (@nfldraftscout) August 25, 2015
It will be very interesting how ESPN reacts to Schilling’s self-inflicted wound.
UPDATE: ESPN released a statement regarding Schilling’s tweet.
“Curt’s tweet was completely unacceptable, and in no way represents our company’s perspective. We made that point very strongly to Curt and have removed him from his current Little League assignment pending further consideration.”