CNN’s Don Lemon Does The Most Don Lemon Thing Ever

At the beginning of Monday night’s broadcast of CNN Tonight, host and amateur newsreader guy Don Lemon decided to draw all the attention of the world directly to him by holding up a sign that blared the N-word on it while asking his viewers if they were offended. In the most Don Lemon way possible, Lemon supposedly wanted to have a serious discussion about race and the symbols and words that many see as offensive, specifically the N-word and the Confederate flag. However, his method was the equivalent of a toddler smearing poop on the wall.
Obviously, Lemon was influenced by the two most trending stories on Monday. We have the raging debate in South Carolina and across the country about the need to take down the Confederate flag flying in front of South Carolina’s capitol, especially after the racially motivated murders of nine black churchgoers last week in Charleston. This was followed up by President Obama using the word “nigger” in context while talking about racism during his appearance on Marc Maron’s ‘WTF’ podcast, which set white conservatives tongues a clucking.
Therefore, in an effort to shoehorn both topics into one supremely bad idea, Lemon turned up the Don Lemon factor to 11 and just held up his big ol’ sign. (Who had the task of getting this sign made at the print shop and picking it up?) Below is video of Lemon’s intro, courtesy of YouTube user Anna Fox:
Well, as one would expect, Twitter blew up with reactions to Lemon. Most of Black Twitter called him out for merely trying to draw attention to himself. The rest of Twitter basically just made fun of Lemon, mostly because that is what you do to Don Lemon.
Don Lemon is trending again. I’m assuming it’s not because of awesome coverage on a pressing issue
— Remi Kanazi (@Remroum) June 23, 2015
Marc Maron provides the thoughtful interview, Don Lemon provides the absurdist comedy. This is the world we live in.
— Frank Conniff (@FrankConniff) June 23, 2015
Black folk lookin at Don Lemon like….
— Janell Lockett (@AyoJanell) June 23, 2015
“…then Don Lemon ripped off his mask, revealing to the gasping audience that he is Andy Kaufman.”
— Joe Sonka (@joesonka) June 23, 2015
I’ve been watching the #DonLemon memes. I have no clue what happened because I banned Don Lemon from my life. I think imma keep it this way
— Elon James White (@elonjames) June 23, 2015
OK that’s it. The black delegation officially requests to trade Don Lemon for pretty much anyone.
— Bipartisan Report (@Bipartisanism) June 23, 2015
“DOES THIS OFFEND YOU?” if by “this” you mean Don Lemon, he does.
— Harold Itzkowitz (@HaroldItz) June 23, 2015
It’s clear that CNN has become more interested in the controversy Don Lemon garners than in his integrity as a news man.
— Amanda Seales (@amandaseales) June 23, 2015
i’m sorry. don lemon did WHAT? i thought the fakes with the flag were the real ones. that didn’t really happen.
— Bomani Jones (@bomani_jones) June 23, 2015
We as Black People have just voted, and anything racist that happens to Don Lemon is okay with us
— Yassir Lester (@Yassir_Lester) June 23, 2015
At the end of the Scooby Doo episode, they pull the mask off Don Lemon and he’s really Sean Hannity.
— JRehling (@JRehling) June 23, 2015
what in blue buttery hell is don lemon doing
— Tracy LaFway Clayton (@brokeymcpoverty) June 23, 2015
Yea that’s Don Lemon
— Bassem Masri (@bassem_masri) June 23, 2015
How is Don Lemon even real
— Cassandra (@CassandraRules) June 23, 2015
And on and on and on it goes on Twitter. Seriously, just how is Don Lemon real? I mean, he has to be some kind of performance artist, right?