Donald Trump Jr. Wrongly Claims COVID-19 Deaths Are Down to ‘Almost Nothing’

Donald Trump Jr. falsely claimed on Thursday night that U.S. deaths from COVID-19 have declined to ‘almost nothing’. President Donald Trump’s son told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham that the media was focusing on infection rates because deaths were so low.
“These people, these people are truly morons,” Trump Jr. said. “They go after Scott Atlas because he is not an epidemiologist but Sanjay Gupta magically is. Give me a break, Laura.”
“I put it on my Instagram a couple of days ago, because I went through the CDC, because I kept hearing about new infections. Why are they talking — why aren’t they talking about deaths? Oh, Oh! Because the numbers are almost nothing, because we’ve gotten control of thing and we understand how it works,” he said.
Jr. claims Coronavirus death numbers are down to “almost nothing”
— Acyn (@Acyn) October 30, 2020
“We have the therapeutics to deal with it,” he went on. “If you look at my Instagram, [deaths have] gone to almost nothing. We are outperforming Europe in a positive way. We’ve gotten a hold of it.”
Trump’s claim is false. There were over 1,000 deaths from COVID in the U.S. on Thursday and Wednesday. The seven-day rolling average of deaths is also increasing slightly, while more than 220,000 Americans have already died from the virus.
Watch the video above, via Fox News/Twitter.