AP’s Jonathan Lemire: If the Election Is About Empathy, It’s a Joe Biden Landslide

AP’s Jonathan Lemire discussed President Donald Trump’s apparent inability to empathize with people on Wednesday and how it might affect the election. Lemire spoke to MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough about the contrast between Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden.
“You know, there’s always that question on polls that is so telling, and usually predictive — who cares about people like me will be the question on the poll and that’s just one more small example of the difference between Joe Biden and Donald Trump,” Scarborough said.
“Biden’s doing so much better than the President when it comes to that question, in large part because Joe Biden is empathetic, and even those close to Donald Trump will admit that it’s always been a blind spot for him.”
“If this is the question that’s gonna decide the election, Joe, then it’s a landslide” Lemire said. “I mean, there’s no question. This is something that the President has never shown any real ability to connect with real voters, to display sort of empathy, and it’s dated from his early days in office where he’s responded to other terrible tragedies.”
“And that could be a mass shooting, or of course, a natural disaster. We all remember him in Puerto Rico tossing out paper towels like they were basketballs after a terrible hurricane there, and that he has never been one to really show — and polls reflect this — that he understands what people are going through, that he understands their suffering or pain because they’ve lost a loved one or a job. Meanwhile, that might be Joe Biden’s greatest strength.”
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.