Joe Scarborough on RNC: ‘Sons of a Billionaire’ Telling White Voters ‘The Blacks Are Coming to Get You’

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough was not impressed by the Republican National Convention over the past few days. The Morning Joe host, who is himself a former Republican congressman, accused his former party of peddling racism.
“You have at the convention the sons of a billionaire who inherited $400 million talking about fear, stirring fear, trying to stir fear among white voters in the suburbs, that the Blacks are coming to get you,” Scarborough said.
“Talking about the fear, making up — just making things up, talking about the fear, they’re coming for you. They’re going to abolish the suburbs. Gangs are coming to your neighborhoods and are going to kill you and your families.”
“They talk about fear, Shawna [Thomas], and yet as Doc Rivers said, Donald Trump never had to sit his sons down and have the talk with his sons, hey, you know, if you get stopped while you’re driving in your Porsche or your Lamborghini or whatever they drive in, as you’re going down to Atlantic City, turn the lights on in the car, keep your hands on the dashboard because if you make the wrong move, you may get shot.”
Reverend Al Sharpton agreed, calling Trump “a president who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and never had to fear anything but getting caught up in some real estate schemes of discrimination [who] start trying to put fear in the minds of people.”
“He has people that held weapons on non-violent protesters in St. Louis and are under indictment for doing so featured to speak at the Republican National Convention,” Sharpton said.
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.