Fox’s Brian Kilmeade Warns Biden Could Win the Debates Because ‘The Bar Is So Low’

Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade warned on Friday that former Vice President Joe Biden could end up winning the presidential debates because expectations for him have been set so low. The Fox & Friends host did not mention that his own network has been suggesting Biden is in cognitive decline.
The Fox hosts could find little fault with Biden’s acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday and Kilmeade seemed concerned that President Donald Trump could suffer because of where the bar’s been set.
“Let’s look at the what the RNC can learn from this. Number one, you probably need a crowd,” Kilmeade.
“Number two, Donald Trump is gonna be on all four days it looks like. He’s gonna have a presence. In terms of what we saw last night, President Trump should realize thar bar is so low for Joe Biden that come debate time if he goes out and produces a solid performance like last night, people will look at this as a victory.”
Kilmeade’s warning suggests some self-awareness that Fox News’ and Republicans’ attacks on Biden have backfired.
“And he came out and said a bunch of things in a very short speech, one of the shortest ever,” Kilmeade said, before going on to revisit talking points about dictators and the Obama administration.
Watch the video above, via Fox News.