MSNBC’s Willie Geist: Public Isn’t Buying Trump Campaign’s Idea that Biden Is a ‘Radical Leftist’

MSNBC’s Willie Geist explained on Tuesday how the Trump campaign’s attempt to paint former Vice President Joe Biden as a Trojan horse for the radical left isn’t working. The Morning Joe host discussed the campaign’s strategy with co-host Joe Scarborough.
Their comments followed a clip of President Donald Trump’s new campaign manager claiming Biden had surrounded himself with left-wing radicals. Scarborough pointed to the many people close to Trump who’ve been convicted of crimes.
“Willie, I mean, you look at the number of people that have gone to jail lying for Donald Trump,” Scarborough said.
“You look at the fact that if Donald Trump weren’t President of the United States he would likely have been on his way to jail because of obstruction of justice. It’s really — it’s just staggering that the Trump people have so little to go after Joe Biden on.”
“Well, it’s also they have a strange habit of attacking Joe Biden on something that easily could bounce back to President Trump,” Geist said.
“As you laid out there, when they talk about Joe Biden’s mental acuity, we’ve played the clips. You’ve watched Donald Trump for four years, you can draw your conclusions there. I think the larger point is the attack line is Joe Biden is a vessel of the radical left, that he’s really just a tool of AOC and whatever other boogey men and women they want to put out there.”
“But the problem is the public doesn’t seem to be buying that, if you look at polling. They don’t buy the fact that the man they’ve watched for 50 years is a radical leftist. In fact, he’s been attacked in his own party for not being enough.”
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.