Republican Rep. Chip Roy Blames ‘Predominantly White Marxists’ for Unrest in Texas

Republican Congressman Chip Roy blamed white Marxists for recent unrest in Texas on Monday, drawing a distinction between the Black Lives Matter protests and what’s been happening in Austin. Roy spoke to Fox & Friends about the matter.
Fox News’ host Brian Kilmeade asked Roy about the situation. The network has spent a lot of time claiming the Black Lives Matter protesters are linked to radical Marxism, though the congressman didn’t seem keen to offer up that talking point.
Roy praised local police by name before explaining what had happened in the city.
“They did a great job pushing these protesters out, bringing our horse riding cops down to downtown Austin and pushing them out. And God bless them,” Roy said.
“Texas Governor Abbott brought in 800 DPS troopers. We had special agents in town. We had people embedded to make sure that these folks didn’t take off. And threatening to go up in tall buildings and arms and bring, quote, snipers into Austin. We’re not gonna do that.
“Governor Abbot has made very clear not gonna have autonomous zone in Texas. Our law enforcement stepped up like they should to keep the peace. We’re not gonna have lawless here and we’re not gonna allow autonomous zones in Texas. And we did our job to stop the predominantly white Marxists who creating unrest, making our cities less safe.”
“And it has nothing to do about Black lives or helping people that they say it is. It’s about those that are trying to advance the Marxist agenda while they run around drinking lattes because they’ve got a few hours to kill when they’re home from college. It’s quite pathetic, actually. I’m glad our law enforcement officers have stood up against this tyranny against our local community and safety.”
Watch the video above, via Fox News.