Joe Scarborough Suggests Tom Cotton Is Appealing to White Supremacists

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough suggested on Monday that Republican Senator Tom Cotton’s remarks about slavery were an appeal to white supremacists and racists. The Morning Joe host also took aim at Republican Congressman Devin Nunes.
Scarborough was speaking to Reverend Al Sharpton about Republicans and African American voters.
“You know, Reverend Al, you look at how poorly these Republican Senate candidates are doing,” Scarborough said.
“You talked about how the events of the past six months are going to have a negative impact on Donald Trump in terms of Black voters. But you remember after Charlottesville, there were a lot of Republicans in the suburbs who turned on Donald Trump, a lot of Republicans in northern Virginia who turned on Donald Trump for that 2017 election.”
“And here, this weekend, I saw two quotes, one from Devin Nunes, talking about the Democratic Party, quote, hating white people. Which wasn’t — it’s not a dog whistle. That is a blaring, blaring horn to white supremacists and racists.”
“And then you had Tom Cotton and he’s tried to push back on this, but the guy went to Harvard law school, he knows how to draft a sentence. And this is what Tom Cotton wrote, ‘as the Founding Fathers said, slavery was the necessary evil upon which the was built.'”
“We’ll let Tom Cotton try to clean that up over the next several days. We can all read English. He tried blaming that on the media, he should blame it on himself or whoever drafted that, but Rev, these sort of quotes not only damage Donald Trump and Republican senators with Black voters, with Latino voters, with Asian-American voters, it, of course, damages Donald Trump’s prospects of ever winning back white suburban voters in the suburbs of Philly, in the I-4 corridor, in Macomb County, Michigan.”
“In the suburbs of Milwaukee, the suburbs of Pittsburgh. This blatant racism is devastating and self-defeating not only to Donald Trump’s election chances but also to a lot of the Republican senators in Arizona and North Carolina.”
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.