‘Fox & Friends’ Defend St. Louis Gun Couple: It’s Not Like They Squeezed Off a Couple of Rounds

The hosts of Fox & Friends have defended a St. Louis couple who brandished guns at peaceful protesters. Steve Doocy and Griff Jenkins downplayed their actions, which have led to criminal charges, and defended their rights to wave their guns around.
“Steve, a lot of Americans relate to that because should this arrive on their doorstep and local authorities won’t protect them from it, they would like every defense they can find,” Jenkins said.
There is no suggestion that the couple were in any danger from the protesters passing through their neighborhood.
“It’s not like they squeezed off a couple of rounds over the heads of anybody,” Doocy said.
“All they did was they went and got their guns.”
“I don’t think it is against the law simply to be holding something that you own legally,” he added.
“It is illegal to wave weapons in a threatening manner – that is unlawful in the city of St Louis,” circuit attorney Kim Gardner said, explaining the charges. “We must protect the right to peacefully protest, and any attempt to chill it through intimidation will not be tolerated.”
Watch the video above, via Fox News.