Democrat Max Rose: Trump Should Call Mitch McConnell And Ask Him Why He’s Against Opening Schools

Democratic Congressman Max Rose blamed Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for schools not being able to reopen. The New York representative said McConnell was unwilling to provide the assistance necessary for schools to open safely.
Rose spoke to MSNBC’s Morning Joe program on Thursday.
“I think unlike the President of the United States right now, I’m committed to keeping the health, welfare and safety of our teachers in mind,” Rose said.
“I represent probably more New York City public schoolteachers than any other member of Congress and under no circumstances do I think they should be forced to risk their lives and put their safety and health in jeopardy unnecessarily.”
“Now with that being said, though, I think we can figure this out via combination of remote learning and onsite learning, an investment in resources, PPE availability, but let me tell you who absolutely does not want schools open at all – it’s Mitch McConnell.”
“Every single day, Mitch McConnell stands in the way of increased state and local funding. Every single day, Mitch McConnell tells our teachers and our students that he does not care about them because if we don’t get additional state and local funding, we will not be able to handle this.”
“Opening our schools safely will require resources. So I think the President should call Mitch and ask him why he is so against opening our schools.”
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.