Joe Scarborough: Hillary Clinton Was ‘An Easier Target’ to Destroy Than Joe Biden

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough thinks former Vice President Joe Biden will prove a more difficult opponent for President Donald Trump than Hillary Clinton did. The Morning Joe host compared the two Democrats and suggested that it will be harder to land hits on Biden.
Scarborough was speaking to MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt and Robert Costa on Monday.
“And Bob Costa, the Trump campaign has spent so much money trying to vilify Joe Biden and going off of the script of 2016 where they knew they were — had an unpopular candidate who wasn’t liked by a majority of people,” Scarborough said.
“[She] wasn’t respected by even close to a majority of people, seen as not honest and not trust worthy by the overwhelming majority of Americans so they decided to destroy Hillary Clinton, who proved to be an easier target than Joe Biden is proving to be right now.”
“They understand they have to destroy Joe Biden. It may not be as simple this year to destroy their opponent as it was four years ago.”
“That’s exactly right, Joe,” Costa said. “It’s because the fight now for the Trump campaign is not just against the Biden campaign.”
“It’s also against that group of never-trump Republicans, the Lincoln project. What you see here with this Lindsey Graham ad is an attempt to soften President Trump’s support among traditional Republican voters because you have a traditional Republican, a conservative in Lindsey Graham, there’s not an expectation that Jaime Harrison, the Democrat in South Carolina is somehow going to get a sudden lift.”
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.