Protesters Interrupt Fox News Report: ‘No, Sir. No, We’re Not Doing That’

A Fox News live report was interrupted on Thursday by some of those protesting over the death of George Floyd. Griff Jenkins was trying to report on what he described as apparent divisions between the protesters when a small group stopped him.
“There’s a situation here and some of the protesters got upset,” Jenkins began. “There’s a little inter-fighting between themselves. And let me just show you what happened where we were.
At this point, an African American man placed his hand in front of the camera, as Jenkins attempted to show the Fox & Friends audience what he was reporting on.
“Excuse me, sir,” Jenkins said.
“No, none of that,” a man can be heard saying. “No sir. No, we’re not doing that.”
The protesters continued to interrupt Jenkins, so he tried to address them directly.
“My brother, my brother, just give me – give me a chance to tell your story,” Jenkins said.
“What we’ve got right now is upset protester,” he said, as the protesters continued to prevent him from delivering his report. Fox & Friends cut back to the studio. Jenkins was able to report later in the broadcast, however.
Watch the video above, via Fox News.