Joe Scarborough: ‘Does Mitch McConnell Only Critique Black Presidents?’

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough criticized Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday for the Republican’s refusal to critique President Donald Trump. The Morning Joe host pointed out that McConnell had no problem criticizing Barack Obama in recent weeks.
Scarborough discussed Republicans’ response to Trump’s photo op at St. John’s Church, for which protesters were cleared with teargas.
“I got to say, the silence from all those Republicans when asked to defend Donald Trump was damning for good reason, because what he did was abhorrent,” he said.
“What he did, many religious leaders are saying — because they’re right — was blasphemous. What he was saying, we have former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs saying we are at an inflection point. Men and women in the military horrified by how the military is being used right now. I mean, it’s really unbelievable.”
“And you have Ron Johnson saying he didn’t see it. Ron, this is your job. If peaceful protesters are being gassed and religious leaders are saying the President used the word of Jesus Christ in a blasphemous way, you probably on it a little bit more, buddy. Don’t know exactly what you’re doing. Other than, I don’t know, maybe you’re studying Burisma or something like this while America is in this state.”
“But I thought the most cynical, of course, statement came later from Mitch McConnell, Jonathan Lemire, where he said he’s just not gonna critique — he’s not gonna critique other people, and yet there he was just absolutely bashing Barack Obama for making a — just making a pretty mild statement a couple weeks ago.”
“So is Mitch McConnell — Does Mitch McConnell only critique black presidents? Doesn’t critique white presidents? Is this the McConnell rule that we’re going to be using from now on?”
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.