Fox’s Griff Jenkins: D.C. Protesters Should Have Gotten Out of Trump’s Way

Fox News’ Griff Jenkins appeared to scold protesters on Tuesday after they were teargassed and reportedly shot at with rubber bullets. President Donald Trump traveled to a church in Washington, D.C. yesterday for a photo opp, which required protesters to clear a path. Actions taken against the peaceful demonstrators have been widely condemned.
On Fox & Friends, Jenkins seemed to lecture the protesters, even hinting that they needed to show respect for Trump.
“Of course, the President in any given city would have to have a secure corridor,” Jenkins said when discussing the police assaults of protesters and journalists.
That ‘secure corridor’ was used so Trump could take a photo outside a historic church while awkwardly holding up a Bible. Jenkins went on to say that the protesters should just have gotten out of Trump’s way in the first place.
“When you’re talking about the leader of the free world, and the President of the United States, you don’t want to be in their way,” he said.
Fox & Friends strongly downplayed the actions of police in D.C. and throughout the country on Tuesday. Jenkins and the Fox & Friends hosts highlighted police restoring ‘order’ and some instances of vandalism and looting, but not the widely criticized police response.
Watch the video above, via Fox News.