Fox’s Judge Nap: Minneapolis Riots Are ‘Probably Not Going to Stop’ Until Police involved in George Floyd’s Death Are Arrested

Fox News’ senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano condemned the killing of George Floyd on Thursday and argued that the protests in Minneapolis won’t stop until the police officers involved in his death are arrested. However, he also took the opportunity to praise President Donald Trump.
“Of course they should be charged,” Napolitano said. “If I were the attorney general and I applaud the President for suggesting and, of course, he can do this with a phone call, ordering the FBI to investigate.”
“But if I were the attorney general, I would — Bill Barr would call up the attorney general of Minnesota and say why are those four officers not — why haven’t they not been charged with murder? Why are they free? Why are they not in jail in we have a video of the murder.”
“If you guys don’t do it. We will. So there’s two violations here. There is murder and then there’s the use of legal force to deprive him of his civil rights. The murder is the state crime. The use of force to deprive him of his civil rights in this case the right to breathe is a federal crime.”
“The cops can actually be prosecuted for both. As horrific as the response has been and as unjustified as these riots are, they’re probably not going to stop until the cops are actually arrested.”
Watch the video above, via Fox News.