MSNBC’s Willie Geist: ‘Only a Matter of Time’ Until We Hear ‘Lock Him Up’ Chants at Trump Rallies

MSNBC’s Willie Geist suggested on Friday that President Donald Trump’s supporters could soon be chanting “Lock Him Up!” about former President Barack Obama and possibly former Vice President Joe Biden, too. The Morning Joe co-host spoke to former Obama intelligence official Jeremy Bash about the issue.
Bash explained that ‘unmasking’ – which has become a scandal in conservative media – is routine.
“I think, of course, what Rick Grenell, the acting Director of National Intelligence is doing, he’s trying to weaponize the process. He’s trying to selectively declassify information, putting out names of Democratic officials. Suggesting there was something nefarious,” Bash said.
“What was going on at the time? We had the Russians clearly interfering in a U.S. election, attacking our democracy. Russians were talking to senior Americans. It was incumbent on the people responsible for defending the country to understand, who are the Russians talking to? It was a very, I think, well overseen process.”
“This is not a scandal any more than Birthergate was. Let’s face it, Trump began his political career about a lie with Barack Obama, that he wasn’t born in the United States. This is an extension of that. There’s absolutely nothing here.”
“It’s only a matter of time, I suspect, before we’re hearing, ‘Lock him up’ chants at future President Trump rallies over this scandal that the President has invented here,” Geist.
Those chants will likely refer to Obama, whom Trump has blamed for ‘Obamagate’, but also Biden, whom Trump has also implicated in the conspiracy theory.
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.