Trump Calls for Schools to Reopen as He Rebukes Dr. Fauci

President Donald Trump has called for America’s schools to reopen and taken aim at Dr. Anthony Fauci for warning about the need for a cautious end to Coronavirus restrictions. Fauci testified before the Senate on Wednesday, saying there were still risks to opening the country to quickly.
“To me, it’s not an acceptable answer,” Trump said of Fauci’s comments.
This is the first indication that the President is willing to publicly disagree with Fauci. In private, Trump has reportedly grown tired of the expert, while his allies in the media have launched a concerted attack on Fauci in recent days.
“I think they should open the schools, absolutely. I think they should,” Trump said.
“Our country’s got to get back and it’s got to get back as soon as possible. And I don’t consider our country coming back if the schools are closed.”
This suggestion runs counter to Fauci’s testimony on the very same day. During his appearance, Fauci reiterated his earlier warnings and batted away criticism from Republican Senator Rand Paul.
“There is a real risk that you will trigger an outbreak that you may not be able to control,” Fauci said.
A similar warning will be issued today by Dr. Rick Bright, a whistleblower seeking to have his government position reinstated. Bright will tell Congress that much more needs to be done ahead of a second wave the disease this winter.