Fox’s Ainsley Earhardt Tells Rick Scott to Go to China And ‘Bring All Those American Businesses Back Home’

Fox News’ Ainsley Earhardt took a swipe at China on Friday during an interview with Florida Senator Rick Scott. After Scott had spoken about budget battles with New York and criticized the U.S. economic relationship with China, Earhardt struck a distinctly nationalist tone.
“They are not a competitor. They are adversary,” Scott said. “We’ve gotta treat them that way. You know, we cannot let Huawei come into this country. We have got to stop buying their products. We have got to understand they are building a military to defeat us.”
“We’ve gotta build our own PPE and get away from doing business with China. Everybody in this country has to — if we all understand that they’re an adversary, we will have an impact on their economy so they cannot spend money like this.”
“Yeah. When you said you went to New York to bring businesses down to Florida, can you go to China and bring all those American businesses back home, please?”
“If we buy all of our products from the United States, those jobs are coming back,” Scott replied.
Watch the video above, via Fox News.