‘Morning Joe’: Where’s the Conservative Outrage over Trump Claiming He Built the Economy?

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski wants to know why conservatives aren’t outraged at President Donald Trump for taking credit for the strong economy before Coronavirus. The Morning Joe host compared the lack of reaction to the visceral response to comments made by Barack Obama.
“Republicans threw a fit when President Obama said, about people who own a business, ‘You didn’t build that’,” Mika Brzezinski said.
“They went crazy,” Scarborough said. “They went absolutely crazy.”
“Surely, there is outrage with President Trump yesterday, giving himself the sole credit for building the greatest economy,” Brzezinski said.
“He built the economy,” Scarborough mocked. “I built the greatest economy in the history of the world, Donald Trump said yesterday.”
“The selective outrage is ahead.”
“You know what other conservative said that?” he asked.
“Who?” Brzezinski said.
“None. No-one,” Scarborough replied. “No conservative says that.”
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.