John Oliver: Trump ‘May Be Less Equipped to Deal with this Historical Moment than Anybody in Recorded History’

HBO’s John Oliver delivered another report on Coronavirus from a studio without an audience on Sunday. The Last Week Tonight host discussed the ongoing pandemic and strongly criticized President Donald Trump’s response to the crisis.
“Again and again, Trump has failed to give this crisis the seriousness it deserves,” Oliver said.
He showed footage of healthcare workers describing how hard it’s been to deal with the influx of patients with the disease.
“This was always going to be hard but it actually didn’t need to be this hard,” Oliver said.
“And that is why it’s so profoundly disheartening that we’re being led through this crisis by a man who may be less equipped to deal with this historical moment than anybody in recorded history.”
Oliver showed Trump’s reaction to a question about his Easter deadline for ‘reopening’ the economy. In the clip, the President claimed some members of the press wanted things to be worse because it would harm his reelection prospects.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake! No one is thinking about you,” Oliver said. “These guidelines did not revolve around you. For once, something has come along that is more toxic and more threatening than this President, and somehow he’s got fucking stage envy.”
Watch the video above, via Last Week Tonight/YouTube