MSNBC’s Willie Geist on Bloomberg’s Debate Performance: ‘They Tore the Skin Off Him’

Morning Joe co-host Willie Geist saw Michael Bloomberg as the clear target of Democrats’ attacks at Wednesday debate. The MSNBC personality thought it had been a good night for Senator Elizabeth Warren, whose criticism of Bloomberg quickly went viral.
“You know, the gloves were on for the first several debates,” Geist said. “That was one of the criticisms of this field, is it had been too polite. That all changed in the first 30 seconds of the debate last night as we just showed.”
“We talked yesterday at this time about Mayor Bloomberg, that he was the first time up on the stage, on the debate stage with this group. How would he respond? They tore the skin off him yesterday, last night in Las Vegas. Elizabeth Warren leading the way, Bernie Sanders, they all one by one, Amy Klobuchar, one by one went after Mayor Bloomberg.”
“I’m not sure he responded terribly well to a couple key questions he had to answer, and Elizabeth Warren who had been — her campaign has been charging that she has been ignored, that she’s been overlooked unfairly and she took control of that debate throughout.”
“Especially in the first hour, but throughout the debate she took control, in fact, directing some of the questions at one point to Mayor Bloomberg, demanding he let women out of their NDAs.”
“Elizabeth Warren had a great night. I’m not sure they got anywhere. Bernie Sanders went in as the front runner, he didn’t take much fire and the man they’re all running against, Donald J. Trump hardly took any fire at all.”
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.