Fox’s Charles Payne Slams ‘Fake, Phony Black Leaders’ for Calling Trump Racist

Fox News’ Charles Payne criticized former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg for being racist on Tuesday but also took a swipe at African American leaders who’ve called President Donald Trump racist. Payne was speaking on Fox & Friends about comments Bloomberg made regarding young, minority men.
Bloomberg had said that many Latino and African American men didn’t know how to behave in the workplace.
“If he ever went in my household he would know I knew how to behave because my mother taught me how to behave,” Payne said.
“In my mind, Mayor Bloomberg is an elitist that looks down on almost everyone. He thinks he should tell you how large your soda should be. I think he has a particular disdain for black people. I have a 23-year-old son. The notion that if he walks outside he should be considered a dangerous animal before a human being, that he should be denied his civil liberties protected under the Constitution, that he could be thrusted against the wall simply because he is black? It kills me.”
“It really was blowing my mind all these fake, phony Democrats and these fake phony black leaders who have called Donald Trump racist for years because of comments. Not actions. Comments,”Payne said.
“Because he did what other landlords did in the 1970s. I’m not saying it was good. But it caused poor people, particularly blacks, not to be allowed in a lot of his buildings. That’s not good. But it’s not the same as unleashing, saying I wanna round up 700,000 people in one year ostensibly to fight crime.”