Fox’s Ainsley Earhardt on Impeachment Witnesses: ‘Not the Senate’s Job to Redo’ House Investigation

The Fox & Friends crew were working hard on Monday to dismiss the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, which will begin on Tuesday. Blithely dismissing calls for witnesses to testify before the trial, the Fox News hosts were determined to show a lack of concern for the process.
Guest host Pete Hegseth criticized Democrats for the various claims they’ve made about the President’s actions while Ainsley Earhardt inaccurately claimed that the House should have called the witnesses it wanted. The administration blocked several witnesses.
“Constitutionally the House can impeach and that’s what they did,” she said. “And now they have to present their case to the Senate but it’s not the Senate’s job to redo what is constitutionally the House’s sole power. They had their chance.”
Steve Doocy waved away the trial, implying it would be a farce.
“Mitch McConnell has said he would like to use the Clinton impeachment trial as a model where 24 hours essentially for each side which would make the entire festivity about 2 weeks long, after that, then senators will be — after the President’s team and the house managers, Democrats make their case, prosecution on that part, then apparently the senators can submit written questions and then both teams will answer those,” Doocy said.
Fox’s approach to the process is to discourage the calling of witnesses – a step that would likely prove very unpopular with the American people, whom polls consistently show favor impeachment.
Watch the video above, via Fox News.