Fox’s Steve Doocy: Senate Won’t Remove Trump ‘Unless There’s Some Crazy Smoking Gun That Nobody Knows About’

Fox News’ Steve Doocy stated the obvious on Tuesday morning by saying that Republican senators simply won’t vote to remove President Donald Trump from office, but he offered the novel explanation that there’s no ‘smoking gun’ that proves Trump’s guilt.
“Well, here what is what it ultimately comes down to,” Doocy said. “Will the President of the United States be removed by this impeachment process? And the answer is absolutely not. He will be impeached by the House of Representatives, as we know. They have enough votes. Democratic votes in the House.”
“But when it goes to the Senate, you need 67. And unless there’s some crazy smoking gun that nobody knows about right now, there simply are not the votes there. That means it’s simply political. They’re trying to sully the President. Give him a bloody nose before November 2020. All politics.”
“Just be aware of this,” co-host Brian Kilmeade said. “Going into this process, the goal was to get a lot of Republicans.”
This is clearly not a statement of fact. The idea that any significant number of Republicans would turn on Trump is bizarre on its’ face and was never a stated Democratic aim.
Fox News’ commitment to ignoring the evidence of the President’s wrongdoing is consistent with the Republican Party’s approach, which has been to deny he said what he said and distort reality.
Watch the video above, via Fox News.