‘Fox & Friends’: IG Report Found No Political Bias Because They Couldn’t ‘Get Anybody to Admit’ to It

Fox & Friends did their best to spin the Inspector General’s report on Tuesday following the revelation that it debunks conspiracy theories pushed by President Donald Trump and his defenders. The Justice Department investigation into the Russia probe found it was justified despite errors.
Former Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz appeared on Fox & Friends to big up the report, with assistance from the hosts.
“I think it’s also indication this may expand much further than just the FBI because Durham can be looking at the CIA and others. The other thing that just made me nuts about this thing is the idea that they did not give defense briefings to Donald Trump the candidate and to President Trump,” Chaffetz said, attempting to paint Trump as the victim of the Russia scandal.
“They kept that information from him. They’re supposed to be protecting that person. We give them Secret Service. We give them CIA briefings.”
“They said there was no political bias,” co-host Steve Doocy said. “That they couldn’t get anybody to admit to!”
“Well, look. We have thousands of texts,” Chaffetz said. “You can read it in their own words. The one thing that I disagree with Horowitz and I look at it is how could there not be political bias? And why is it that every time something turns, it’s always against Donald Trump? It never goes in his favor.”
Fox News and Trump surrogates have been saying for months that the IG report will prove a plot against the President. Now that it has done the opposite, the network is trying to undermine its’ central conclusion: that the Russia probe was justified and not biased.
Watch the video above, via Fox News.