CNN’s Brian Stelter: The FBI Director Is Saying Don’t Believe ‘People Like Sean Hannity’

CNN’s Brian Stelter has responded to comments from FBI Director Chris Wray by suggesting that Wray is warning against listening to ‘Trump’s friends’. Stelter interpreted Wray’s remarks about Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election, which did not take place.
“We have no information that indicates the Ukraine interfered with the 2016 presidential election,” Wray said. “I think it’s important for the American people to be thoughtful consumers of information, to think about the sources of it.”
Speaking on CNN’s New Day on Tuesday, Stelter saw a direct attack on some of President Donald Trump’s defenders in Wray’s remarks.
“As long as there is a president who’s leading a misinformation campaign to confuse the public, we’re going to have these problems,” Stelter said. “People like Sean Hannity are an outgrowth of that fundamental problem.”
He then turned to Wray’s comments, which have seen him rebuked by the President.
“He’s basically saying don’t believe right-wing media,” Stelter said. “This is the Trump-appointed FBI director saying don’t believe Trump’s friends.”
Watch the video above, via CNN.