Televangelist Pat Robertson Compares Trump Pulling out of Syria to Appeasing Hitler

The controversial televangelist Pat Robertson has launched a stinging attack on President Donald Trump. Speaking on his TV show, The 700 Club on Thursday, the arch-conservative compared Trump’s decision to pull U.S. troops out of Syria to the UK appeasing Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler in the 1930s.
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” Robertson said.
“In 1938, the British prime minister, after getting promises from Hitler comes back and says, ‘there is peace in our time.’”
“He was then re-elected to the prime ministership of England,” he said. Robertson said Trump could win re-election 2020 but disaster loomed.
“The Kurds have the best army to defend freedom in the Middle East, and we have allowed it to be disbanded just like what happened in Czechoslovakia, exactly the same thing.”
“History will repeat itself. Chamberlain went on to a victory in the election,,” Robertson said, directly comparing Trump’s decision to the policy that led to World War II.
“In one year, Germany invaded Poland and World War II was underway,” he said. “The Kurds, we have abandoned them. They are being slaughtered by the Turks and we have given a major port of Syria, and I promise you as I’m sitting here right now, Russia is going to come against us, Turkey is going to come against us, China is going to come against us, North Korea is going to come against us.”
“We’ve already had surrendered territory to a wicked dictator and have given over the best army in the Middle East and it’s been disbanded.”