Mike Huckabee on Romney’s Secret Twitter Account: ‘The Work of Kids, Cowards, Couch Potatoes and Perverts’

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee dragged Senator Mitt Romney for having a secret Twitter account on Monday. The Utah Republican has been revealed as Pierre Delecto, a now private account that Romney says he uses to monitor political discussion on the site.
“Well, first of all, Mitt Romney bounces back and forth more than a tennis ball at a Venus Williams match,” Huckabee said.
“That’s part of it. But the latest thing is this incredible revelation that he is in fact that he is Pierre Delecto. He’s got a secret Twitter account.”
“I find this just really stunning. The man’s 72-years-old. Having fake Twitter accounts on social media, that’s the work of kids, cowards, couch potatoes and perverts like Carlos Danger.”
Carlos Danger was an alias used by disgraced Democrat Anthony Weiner.
“What on on Earth does a United States senator do calling himself Pierre Delecto?” Huckabee asked. “If he’s got something to say, man up and say it. And let us all realize that this guy is not a team player. He’s still bitter because Donald Trump got elected and he didn’t.”
“He needs to get over it. He needs to realize the choice in this country is the choice between socialism and the very capitalism that he so celebrated and that made him so incredibly uber-wealthy. And he needs to start embracing that’s the binary choice we face in this nation between Donald Trump and whoever is on that stage for the Democrats.”
The Fox & Friends hosts pointed out that Romney had admitted to owning the account in French, which Huckabee didn’t full understand. Romney did missionary work in France.
“When I bump into him I want to say, pardon me do you have any grey poupon?” Huckabee mocked. “What an incredible revelation. I’m just – I’m embarrassed for him.”
Watch the video above, via Fox News.