‘Fox & Friends’: Mitt Romney’s Secret Twitter Account Is OK ‘As Long as He Wasn’t Using it to Say Negative Things’

Fox & Friends weighed in on Senator Mitt Romney’s secret Twitter account on Monday, with mixed reaction from the hosts. The Utah Republican has a second account in the name Pierre Delecto, which he says he uses to monitor discussion on the site.
The hosts explained that Romney had admitted to operating the account after reporters linked him to it. ‘Pierre Delecto’ follows Romney’s son and other people close to the senator. It is apparently Romney’s French alter ego.
“This is not normal, as far as I’m concerned” co-host Brian Kilmeade said.
“To have a fake account?” Steve Doocy asked.
“To have a fake account if you’re the sitting the senator in Utah, when you have so much impact on the national dialogue? You can’t set up a fake account like that,” Kilmeade insisted.
“You would be shocked at the number of people who have fake accounts,” Doocy said.
“All people with fake accounts are being irresponsible,” Kilmeade said, with a hint of humor.
“As long as he’s doing this in fun and he just wants to look at people’s accounts and doesn’t want them know he’s presidential candidate because he opened it like a month after he announced he was running for president,” Ainsley Earhardt said.
“As long as he wasn’t using it to say negative things to other candidates,” she said.
“He said he was just using it to monitor political conversations on Twitter,” Doocy said.
“Some people just want to be anonymous, Brian,” Earhardt said.
Watch the video above, via Fox News.