Joe Scarborough: Trump Isn’t Playing Three-Dimensional Chess, He’s Eating The Pieces

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough mocked President Donald Trump on Monday for his continued insistence that he was right that Hurricane Dorian would hit Alabama. Following ‘Sharpeigate’ the President has again said he was right about the impact on Alabama.
The Morning Joe host took up a common talking point about the President’s bizarre behavior – that he’s playing ‘three-dimensional chess’ in order to achieve his goals and confuse his opponents. Though once a common refrain among his supporters, the analogy has lost some of its force of late.
“I have no idea what his end game could be when he continues to prove that he was completely wrong,” co-host Mika Brzezinski said.
“Well, it’s not an end game,” Scarborough said. “I’ve always said that because Donald Trump surprised the mainstream media in 2016 with his unorthodox campaign – his terrible campaign in many ways – there’s always this assumption that he’s got this magic. This voodoo. That we just don’t understand the strange ways of Donald Trump and that he is playing three-dimensional chess.”
“No, he’s not playing three-dimensional chess. These are the moments you realize he stares at the board, he picks up a pawn, puts it in his mouth and starts eating it. That’s where we are. All of this does not accrue to his benefit.”
“As he digests all of the chess pieces, you realize when it hits his stomach – it’s bad news. It’s bad news for him. This is more bad news for Donald Trump in a terrible summer.”
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.