‘Fox & Friends’ Abruptly Ends Segment When Guest Talks About Fire Deaths Instead Of Bill de Blasio

Fox & Friends Saturday ran a segment Saturday morning ostensibly aimed at New York Mayor Bill de Blasio. Jedediah Bila’s interview with a critic of de Blasio’s quickly took an unexpected direction, forcing the Fox News host to cut it short.
Michael Fisher, who represents an organization called the West 58th Street Coalition, was brought on to talk about a billboard campaign running in Iowa aimed at Mayor de Blasio and his group’s opposition to a proposed homeless shelter de Blasio wants to build. Initially, Fisher delivered.
“Well, we have what’s called absentee mayor,” Fisher said. “He just disappeared. Like one minute he’s here and one is he gone. Another minute he’s in the gym at 11 o’clock working out. People try to approach him but he doesn’t want to talk to them. For two years we’ve been trying to speak to him about a major problem -a major, major fire disaster problem in the city. And he doesn’t want to meet with us. And it gets very, very frustrating.”
Fisher certainly was frustrated. He appeared agitated throughout the segment, waving around printed out emails to de Blasio’s office as evidence his group had tried to arrange a meeting. As the interview went on, Bila tried to bring Fisher back to criticism of de Blasio, but he wanted to talk about fire deaths and fire safety.
At one point, Fisher held up a t-shirt that he said depicted children who had died in a fire that could have been prevented. By this point it was clear that this was not the segment that Fox & Friends had been expecting, but Fisher was determined to get his point across.
Bila sat quietly as Fisher continued to discuss issues of fire safety until she finally said: “We unfortunately have to leave it here but we appreciate you coming here and appreciate what you said.”
Bila was visibly uncomfortable as she ended the interview, while Fisher appeared almost confused.
Watch the video above, via Fox News.