Fox’s Tammy Bruce Fears Ebola-Carrying Migrants Are Coming to America for Free Health Care

Tammy Bruce appeared on Fox Business’ Varney & Co. on Friday morning to spew the fear of disease-carrying immigrants coming into America that one used to get mostly from reading Hearst newspapers.
Bruce kicked off her rant by noting two issues discussed by the candidates in Thursday night’s Democratic debate: decriminalizing illegal immigration and providing “free health care for everyone.” This she conflated into an “invitation for more mass immigration into this country,” mostly by sick people who apparently are not too sick to walk a thousand miles from the Northern Triangle countries to the U.S.-Mexico border:
“We’ve got potential pandemics emerging, diseases, infectious diseases that we thought we had quelled, we did not. Ebola is reemerging. There’s general health issues, of course, overall…This is the chaos and the recklessness of the messages of today’s Democratic Party.”
Yeah, who knows where those shanty Irish have been!
Bruce went on to blame the candidates’ positions on them only listening to Democratic voters on Twitter, which conveniently ignores the great number of town halls, state fairs, house parties, coffee clatches and every other event the candidates have been visiting to talk to voters in person.
That migrants are making the dangerous journey to America simply because they think they will get free health care (which is not true) is one of those talking points circling on the right that is backed by zero evidence whatsoever. But if they keep repeating it enough, maybe it becomes true.
Another point to note is that a lot of diseases we thought we had “quelled” that are now re-emerging are doing so because Americans are failing to vaccinate themselves and their kids. And of course studies have shown that fears of immigrants bringing diseases are totally unfounded.
But go off, as the kids say, queen.
Watch the video above, via Fox Business.