‘Morning Joe’: We’re Torturing Children At The Border – This Is A Dream To America’s Enemies

‘Morning Joe’: We’re Torturing Children At The Border – This Is A Dream To America’s Enemies

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough was disgusted by the recent news about migrant detention camps Monday morning. Speaking on Morning Joe, Scarborough harshly criticized Vice President Mike Pence for suggesting the federal government couldn’t pay for children’s basic needs and compared the situation to foreign dictatorships.

“Well, Mike, if you don’t have the money in the federal government that runs a $22 trillion federal debt, we’ll take care of it on Morning Joe,” Scarborough said.

“I’ll make some phone calls today and we’ll have a fundraiser from the Morning Joe community and buy toothbrushes and soap and diapers. We did it before on my last show, Hurricane Katrina, because that was such a deplorable response.”

“This a deplorable act. This is disgusting what’s happening,” co-host Mika Brzezinski said. “This is a stain on America’s legacy.”

“Like I said, it’s very simple,” Scarborough went on. “Mike, Donald, if you don’t have enough money to get soap for children or diapers for 2-year-old kids, we’ll go ahead and start a fund raising drive here and we’ll get it down to south Texas.”

“So I’ll make phone calls, I’ll call around, if you can’t do it with your $5 trillion budget, all the money you’re giving to Saudi Arabia and all the support you’ve given to Saudi Arabia to start a war in Yemen, we’ll take care of it here. How sad. How pathetic.”

“So, you know, I remember during the Cold War, you would hear Soviets always talking about internal policies. How dare the United States judge the Soviet Union when we had the race problems that we had in the country. We had the human rights abuses that we had in our own country.”

“You look at a situation like this and I don’t know if Mike Pence understands this or not, while he’s chuckling,” Scarborough said. “This is exactly what leaders in the Philippines, in Turkey, in Russia, in Iran, in all the countries that consider themselves enemies of the United States of America, this is a dream for them because they can say oh, you don’t like how we’re treating people? Well, at least we don’t torture 2-year-olds on our borders.”

Watch the video above, via MSNBC.

Darragh Roche

Darragh Roche is Political Media Editor

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